Millions of Tourists are coming from different countries to our Historical City...
It never matters for those who are overseeing the obstacles to reach this place.
Nevertheless, you are already priviliged to be in the center of this greatness.
The time travel brings you to the historical scene live!
The Fate of all Sovereigns, Rulers and Heros who came across in this divine city has inspired The name of our Hotel ‘Sura’.
The Hotel name is particularly coming from the Ottoman Language.
Which means Brave Hero.
This hilarous city has comprised many Heros and witnessed different cultures and nations.
The Ottoman Empire was using the Imperial Royal Road (Divan yolu) for imperial march.
The Sovereigns, vizieres, ambassadors, Soldiers and other Imperial members were gathering and passing on this Royal Imperial Council.
Therefore, the name of this road was given due to this ancient purposes.
The Road was maden by the Rome Emperor Constantin and it was declared as the main Road Of this City.